terça-feira, janeiro 16

entrevista com Ross Lovegrove

is there anything that you are afraid of regarding the future?
it is a bit like boiling the frog at the moment, something is bubbling on the surface.we don't get a big picture. we live in these big cites where food is delivered to our door and everything else is there for us. I don't think that we fully understand the implications of CO2 emissions, population growth and resource draw-downs.the issue of china becoming a consumerist nation. there are some really big things on the horizon that will eclipse the facile, superficial debate going on at the moment about aesthetics. there is an amazing potential for the industries, brands to engage in something that is way much more global and human in the bigger debate. there is more opportunity and business to be made joining this front rather than going against the grain of human needs. if you see something designed, for example by dieter rams, you might say 'that's restrained' and 'quiet' and 'calm', but it's a complete misnomer to think that only things which are linear and of a particular scale are modest . an egg chair by arne jacobsen, which is completely organic is very modest. so, we as people need to understand that by jumping into the world of form you can reduce mass and material but still create something that has more a 'joy of existence'(that relates to every question that you have asked me -what women wear, music, everything).

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